Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday's Follow-up to Sunday's Message: Exposing Sins

Ephesians 5:14, “This is why it is said: ‘Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’”

We sleep and slumber in the darkness.  The darkness dulls our senses—it’s hard to see things for what thy clearly are in the dark.  The darkness dulls our reason—it’s hard to think Biblically in the dark.  So we drift away, and the sweet, smooth empty words of the world take hold in our minds and, without thinking, we find ourselves deceived.


It doesn’t have to be that way!  The light of Christ illuminates your darkness.  It disperses your mental fog and lets you think clearly once again.

“Everything exposed by the light becomes visible.”  Confessing your sins—your specific sins—is like dragging those sins into the light: they become visible.  That troubles us, because we’d rather hide our imperfections away.  We’d rather put on a good face, a brave face, for the world to see.  After all, will the world ever listen to us if we honestly admit we sin?  That we religious, church-going, Bible-reading people have actual, real, ugly, damning, personal sin?

It’s natural to fear confession . . . but the cure to fear is faith.  Faith that the light of Christ is the only thing that can overcome your darkness.  Faith that dragging your sins into the light—exposing them!—will kill off your old sinful nature.    

Faith that Christ will be true to His promise and give you His life and light in return for your darkness and death. 

It’s time to stop pretending we’re the righteous, and time to start telling people we’re the redeemed.  No longer hiding our sins, but having them exposed for what they really are. 

“Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 

"And this is the reason why our theology is certain: it snatches us away from ourselves and places us outside ourselves, so that we depend not on our own strength, conscience, mind, person, or works but on what is outside us, that is, on the promise and truth of God, which cannot deceive." -Martin Luther

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